Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Kate in the Kitchen

I made something in the kitchen, dear friends. Llewyn (my boyfriend) documented this particular endeavour for your entertainment. So here will be your first recipe post, with pictures of me being a dork in the kitchen of my parent's house...just thought I would let you know so you aren't shocked by the size of the kitchen..I personally live in a small apartment with a kitchen only big enough for one. But still I love my apartment.

First, a note about my diet. I have (unfortunately) got a chonric disease (not contagious!) which means that I try my best to maintain my health. Thus I eat very healthily. I also have the world's largest sweet-tooth. At first, I thought it would be nigh on impossibile for me to have lots of desserts while eating super-healthily, but I was wrong!! When I can, I primarily eat a raw diet. About 80% raw. Not just salads, but all manner of interesting things. And so many desserts. Raw desserts are often richer than thier cooked counterparts, so normal people need less to feel satisfied. I however would be happy to eat an entire raw chocolate judge cake and would still want more sweets. So today I present you with a sweet recipe. Enjoy!!

Raw Chocolate Tacos (please click)

(Recipe from one of my favorite food blogs, Raw on 10, which is great if you are trying to eat raw on a tight budget, like me)

Bye Bye 

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